Tuesday 10 December 2013

The Raincheck Date

The Rain Check Date

by Stan Jay Wattslick

So let's say that you're a single dashing awesome young man ( Self high five)  who just happens to 
see a really hot chick at a party. She's funny, smoking, and red like Katniss Everdeen if she was a redhead (would've made the whole dress thing work… Damn it). 

(That clean armpit… So shiny…) 

Anyways, hot chick, you (awesome), and party. You want to go out with her but the thing is, nothing can work. You're not rich (yet, my friend.. yet, but you will be!) and she's flying back to that exotic country that may not be the good US of A, but damn it they have healthcare! ( you know where I'm going with this…), so the big question : What in the world can cure that?

Glad you asked! 

The Raincheck date speaks for itself. You see, as I was watching the most inspiring television series in the 21st century (How I Met Your Mother), something occurred to me. The Hook episode showed that we actually cling onto people as long as we want in order to grab that person, however, we just happen to not go together because of something. It kills the person who is hooked (hooke) and the person who hooked (hook…er) looks and sounds bad to be with. 


The Raincheck date is a date agreed upon 2 people (regardless of age, language or religion) who, despite the circumstances now, will eventually try something out later. It could be a year or it could be a decade, but a deal's a deal. The distractions of life kills us inside and I must say dating could get rough immediately, but one way or another, it might just happen. Because in a Raincheck date, who knows? You actually might like the person anyway and it just happens that you're dormant. I've got a Raincheck date, but I don't want to think about it that much, after all, circumstances. Things are just thrown at you for now and eventually when it's not as serious as the "now" it could always be less serious on the "later".


Remember a good rule in a Raincheck date would be "Never Think About It". Besides, the only flaw in this type of agreement with a hot girl is that you think about it. When she decides to move on to another guy and because you're not the one to even try out, don't fret. You're still awesome. Just remember that a Raincheck date will never be guarantee for anyone who bothers waiting. You've got a life to settle with before actually going on a date, it's better that way. Besides, if you just want to bang her? You're wasting your damn time, buddy. Seriously? Waiting? that long?

Anyways, Just a little knowledge I learned today. 

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