Wednesday 18 December 2013

My First Date - Part 2

Part 2 – The Process

            I was stuck in a daze. Why would some stranger, a girl no less, wave at me? Her face obviously smiled and went down when she noticed I never waved back. Apparently, I’m going to find out that answer very soon.

            The following day, I was early as usual. This time, however, with a purpose. I’m the type who hates not knowing anything and finding it out gives me the thrills or disappointments. This issue, however, was miniscule and her identity probably didn’t matter anyway. But as I sit there by that tree, she never appeared. Again, I tried it. Week after week, the only result is a guy sitting down by this awesome tree, seeing no visual arts student coming by. I was beginning to feel my luck ran out until one day, I finally spotted her.

            I already gave up looking out for her so I decided to relax with a friend of mine in visual arts, Hayley. Hayley was a friend I met in Orientation and we just kept contact since. After all, make friends anywhere was a thing anyway nowadays. I sat next to Hayley and “that girl” walked up to us. What I was expecting was not at all this image of that girl that walked past me.

            She was literally a dude. All she did was slur randomly and asked if I agreed. At the time I was pretty tired and hungry. Luckily one of Hayley’s friends gave me one of their toasted sandwiches. She loved talking about weird things and I just happened to be nodding my head as my mouth stay shut. We even discussed about our encounter that day and her answer was “ Why the hell would you reject a wave to a random stranger?” she said, “ That’s like the most nicest fucking thing anyone would do to you.” I in that moment, I agree.

            Of course, being in a different department, I just moved on from my “crush” phase since she wasn’t much of a 10. This is college, there’s bound to be other girls that’ll attract my attention in case I’m to stressed for studying, no biggie. She was in my list though.

            We started talking mostly through the Internet, you know, the 21st century thing to do. Then it moved onto Whatsapp. Yep, it was pretty vague really. It was a slow process and I’ve been meaning to tell her that I wanted to date her for the longest time. I wasn’t over someone though. That someone just happens to look like her. In looks and personality, only personality was the big difference. This someone (let’s call her Angel, which is pretty much the opposite), this Angel was why I was attracted to her in the first place. Her beauty was beyond compare and for a whole year, I gave myself the lie that I would become a lawyer if I have to prove she was the beautiful. You know, shit a guy with do for a girl like that. As for this one, she was no angel. She is smart and mysterious, talk fast and straight, and the best part she didn’t give a damn about anything she says. If it’s out, she just lives with it. Maybe that’s the reason I asked her out though. Angel was just as open as me, just as Christian as I was, but this girl was hardly anything like Angel. I guess physical features can be deceiving like that.

            The holidays rolled around and I didn’t make any move. I was preoccupied with school and other issues to deal with. I was hardly Christian anymore during that period. Can’t say I’m proud, but I turned myself back to God, hopefully knowing I did the right thing. She flew off to China. That was when our online conversation started hitting it off.

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